February 17, 2025
The YMCA of Rock River Valley is accepting applications from area teens for the YMCA Antonio Little Award and the YMCA Teen Leadership Award. Applicants must actively participate and demonstrate leadership in one or more extracurricular activities or take an active role in improving the overall health of their community. Each award winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship to support their future educational or career endeavors.
YMCA Antonio Little Award
This award honors former Y employee Antonio Little, who dedicated his career to engaging, inspiring and educating youth prior to his passing in 2015. The scholarship will be provided to a young man of color between the ages of 16 to 19 in the Rockford community who demonstrates excellence in leadership and is pursuing college or a career training program after high school. This award supports our Boys and Young Men of Color strategy, which ensures equitable outcomes by removing systemic barriers, providing relevant services and support systems, and creating nurturing environments that promote confidence and growth.
YMCA Teen Leadership Award
This award will recognize a young individual between the ages of 16 to 19 who exemplifies leadership within the Rockford community. Youth Development is an area of focus for the Y, with a strong emphasis on college and career readiness.
Students are encouraged to APPLY HERE by the deadline of Friday, April 4. The winners will be announced at our annual YMCA Community Dinner on May 8 at the Tebala Event Center in Rockford. For more information, email yscholarship@rockriverymca.org.